

Autumn is the season that follows the long and hot days of summer, where the days become shorter, the nights a little cooler, presenting us with earthy coloured falling leaves to prepare for the coming winter. With the change in temperature, especially the summer humidity that we experience in Queensland Australia, the air signals us to start putting away the summer frocks and get out warmer jackets and scarfs. We also begin to harvest and gather brightly coloured foods of the new season, such as pumpkin and squash.

Chinese medicine is very much focussed around the seasons of the year. We go from the relaxed and carefree attitudes of Summer to the more serious and introspective energies of Autumn. In Autumn we move from the external, expansive nature of Summer to the internal, contracting nature of Autumn. It is a good idea to finish up projects you’ve started in spring and summer and frolic in the rewards, a bit like the planting of seedlings in the veggie patch that have been harvested.

In Chinese medicine, Autumn is associated with the lungs and colon. The energy of the lungs are colon are about “letting go”, in all aspects of our life so that we can make room for new experiences that will help us to learn and grow.



Imbalances that can occur during Autumn can include :

Dry skin, lips and throat

Stiff upper back and neck

Allergies, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis

Weak immunity

Sneezing and running rose

Lack of vitality


Dry or phlegmy cough



Skin conditions flare up, such as eczema

Sitting with sadness/grief for longer

Tips for staying well during Autumn :

Practice breathing exercises

Let go of negativity in your life

Walk outside

Reorganise, clean and declutter

Recognise sadness/grief

Brush your skin with a dry soft brush

Acupuncture and cupping are helpful to prevent illness (colds and flu that are common in autumn) and to assist your body to recover quickly

Wear a scarf and jacket to protect your neck and back from the wind

Nutrition is a large part of Chinese medicine – to eat seasonally. 

Foods that are beneficial in Autumn:


Garlic, Sweet potato, Ginger, Onion, Cabbage, Rice, Cinnamon, Cardamon, Leek, Miso, Navy beans, Almonds, Asparagus, Walnuts, Pear, Olives, Cauliflower, Yoghurt, Apples, Celery, Broccoli, Apricot, Sourdough, Sauerkraut, Cloves, Squash, Pumpkin


The best way to stay well according to Chinese medicine, is to learn about the nature of each season and to live in harmony with its spirit. If we are living in harmony with the world around us, the Autumn around us, we see that nature is a powerful system of slowing down and contracting, preparing to rest, so its good for us to mimic this. Sleeping a little longer, eating less cold foods and instead more warming and nourishing foods, like stews and soups, and paying extra attention to our internal lives. The time of the lungs and colon is about self worth, to give ourselves some extra attention and self love.




Perhaps that yoga class you’ve been meaning to get to for months can now fit into your schedule.

To breathe

To nurture

To let go.

Take care of you, see you in the clinic,

TK xx

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