SPRING into Spring !


Spring is the season of growth and transformation. We come out of the hibernation of Winter and move forward with bursting flowers, warmer weather and longer days of sunlight. There is a sense of renewal and new life all around.

While Winter was a time to conserve energy and reduce activity, spring is a time of regeneration, new beginnings, and a renewal of spirit.


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Spring is the ideal time for cleansing and rejuvenation for overall health and well-being, as well as corresponding to the “Wood” element, which in turn is conceptually related to the liver and gallbladder organs. According to the philosophy of Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for the smooth flow of energy movement throughout the body. When the liver functions smoothly, physical and emotional activity throughout the body also runs smoothly. We even feel like doing more exercise and being outside!

Imbalances that can occur during Spring: 

Feeling frustrated, irritable, anger outbursts

Insomnia, restless sleep

Temporal headaches, migraines


Abdominal discomfort

Alternating bowel motions

Lack of motivation

A feeling like there is a lump in the throat

Premenstrual symptoms

Irregular, painful periods

Bitter taste in the mouth

Stiff joints

Dry mouth and throat

Ringing in the ears

Sore red eyes, blurry vision


Seasonal acupuncture treatments a minimum four times a year can serve to regulate the inner organ systems and can correct minor annoyances before they become health problems. Acupuncture can help improve the overall health of your liver as well as treat stress, anger and frustration, which are often associated with liver disharmony.


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Stretch – The liver controls the tendons. According to Chinese medicine, the liver stores blood during periods of rest and then releases it to the tendons in times of activity, maintaining tendon health and flexibility. Incorporate a morning stretch into your routine. Try a local yoga class!


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Eye Exercises – The liver opens into the eyes. Although all the organs have some connection to the health of the eyes, the liver is connected to proper eye function. Remember to take breaks when looking at a computer monitor for extended periods of time and do eye exercises.

Eat Greens – Green is the colour of the liver and of spring time. Eating young plants – fresh, leafy greens, sprouts, and immature cereal grasses – can improve the liver’s overall function.



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Taste Sour – Foods and drinks with sour tastes are thought to stimulate the liver’s movement. Put lemon slices in your drinking water, use vinegar and olive oil for your salad dressing. Garnish your sandwich with a slice of dill pickle.

Do more outdoor activities – Outside air helps energy to flow. If you have been feeling irritable or stuck, find an outdoor activity to smooth out that liver stagnation. Try bush walking or take up swimming.

Enjoy milk thistle tea

Milk thistle helps protect liver cells from incoming toxins and encourages the liver to cleanse itself of damaging substances, such as alcohol, medications, pesticides, environmental toxins, and even heavy metals such as mercury.

Take care of you, see you in the clinic,

TK xx


Tanya Keam Wellness is an experienced health clinic on the Sunshine Coast. Helping you to feel better in all aspects of your health and wellbeing.