What is Self Care
What is self care ?
You might think having a relaxing bath and exercising is self care, and it is. However self care for everyone is going to be different and there are many ways to take care our wellbeing.
Checking in with yourself to see how you are is a good place to start. Sitting down for 15 minutes, closing your eyes and focussing on your breathing will tell you if you’re conscious of your breathing or not. People often find it difficult to meditate so if this is you, just sitting or lying down and focussing on your breathing is a start. Inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 4 counts continually for 15 minutes. If this is difficult then start with 5 minutes. Does the inhalation feel the same as the exhalation? Or does one feel more restricted than the other?
Once here, ask yourself how you are.
What emotions are present right now? Have I been sleeping well lately? What has been upsetting me lately? Do I feel well in my body – my energy stamina, my digestion, do I have pain in my body? How have the last 3 months been going? The past year? How do I take care of my well being? Do I take care of myself at all? Do I reach for things to change how I feel? A glass of wine, substances? How do I handle stress?
As a Eastern medicine practitioner in the health industry I often ask people how they take care of themselves day to day and also when they aren’t feeling good.
Self care ideas you maybe haven’t thought of:
- Saying no to social events because you’re not up to it
- Calling friends to be around people you love for company
- Doing food prep so you have healthy meals through the week
- Asking a friend to help you with something
- Getting help with kids so you can have a few hours to yourself
- Seeing a therapist to talk about things
- Exercising every day to get the feel good chemicals going in your body
- Reducing your work or study load
- Taking time off work
- Resting at home – literally putting your feet up with a book
- Sleep
- Stepping away from unhealthy relationships or jobs
- Allowing yourself to cry and feel
- Magnesium bath
- Time in nature
- Taking a holiday
- Being conscious of your behaviours when you are stressed
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Doing your favourite hobbies
- Conscious breathing
- Staying off social media if peoples highlight reels are triggering
- Journaling
- Trying a new activity
- Asking for help
- Quiet days at home
- Going for a health treatment such as acupuncture to balance your nervous system
- Reducing or completely removing alcohol and substances
- Slowing your life down, simplifying things
Life can get on top of us sometimes. Checking in with yourself every day by practicing self care is loving yourself. Your self care isn’t going to look the same as someone else’s self care but know there are many ways to nourish your body, mind and spirit. Give yourself time and space to move through things that are happening in your life.
Hi, I’m Tanya Keam, an AHPRA registered Acupuncturist and natural health practitioner in Nambour in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, Queensland Australia. I practice Chinese medicine and Acupuncture because its safe, logical, relevant and has effectively shown methods of natural wellness for thousands of years (read more about my training here). Life doesn’t need to be complicated and nor does the treatment approaches to get people feeling vibrant and well. I’ve seen people gain a lot from treatments, much more than just alleviating symptoms. It’s exciting to connect with people and share deep wisdom from the classics of ancient and traditional medicine, with modern protocols for todays mind-body living. If you need some guidance in practicing better self care get in touch or book online today.