The vitality of rest

The vitality of rest

I wanted to do a post about the importance of rest as we have moved quickly into the next season. Hello windy Autumn weather! So not just the kind of rest your Sunday afternoon naps on the lounge with your pet gives you, but the kind of rest that is restorative for the long term quality of your life.


Many people visit the clinic RUSHING, soldiering on and are burnt out physically and emotionally. Yes that’s totally okay because that’s why health professionals are here to help. But that calm, balanced feeling when you get off the treatment table creates space for you to look at things. If something isn’t working in your life, is making you sick or pissed off, whatever, it’s a kick up the bum to remind yourself to come to back to you and figure out where you want to be and what fills YOUR cup.

Yet we’re always planning ahead. But what about right now? To sit and feel the ocean breeze (without your phone or thinking about what errands need doing), have a nurturing bath or getting your hands creatively dirty…

The keeping up with this fast paced society that tells us we should always be doing something“We should be busy, making more money, be attending every social event or be bettering everything comparatively”. GAHH! When was the last time you let yourself get caught in the rain? Instead of rushing to the car trying not to get wet. It’s just rain and it’s beautiful and you’re missing it because you need to be somewhere!

You are human, you’re allowed to take time out to sincerely rest your heart, mind and body. To just be. It may be a week, 2 months or even over 12 months. It doesn’t matter in the long scheme of your life how much rest you need but by golly it’s vital!

Going to a yoga class and falling asleep is probably what your body needs. Asking someone to help you out with the kids is what your sanity needs. Saying no to something that doesn’t align with your values is OK. Going for a healing health treatment isn’t self indulgent, it’s restorative.

Planning and being organised is definitely helpful in life, and there’s an element where we need to soldier on and get on with things, but oh my gosh cut yourself some slack sometimes. S L O W  D O W N. Enjoy the rain once in a while. If you need to rest, then please allow yourself to because your quality of life matters more than how society tells us how we should be.

Many blessings,
Take care of you,
See you in the clinic,

TK xx


Tanya Keam Wellness is an experienced health clinic on the Sunshine Coast. Helping you to feel better in all aspects of your health and wellbeing.
Why you need to travel !

Why you need to travel !

I recently visited WA for a holiday. First of all, if you haven’t seen a Quokka, put it on your bucket list as they are the friendliest marsupials you will ever see !

Secondly, it is really important for your wellbeing to take time off and get out of your usual environment, even just for a couple of days. We can become stagnant, bored and frustrated very quickly! So trying different foods, swimming in different seas, reading books in different coffee shops, experiencing different climates, switching off from work etc – they all shake up the day-to-day norm.

Spring is about growth, change and new beginnings in Chinese medicine. Just look at how nature mimics this with bursting flowers, warmer temperatures and the need to do a big clean out at home and also get outdoors in the fresh air.

Instead of doing new year resolutions in January, come out of your introverted Winter cave and try doing them in Spring so you can set new goals and make positive changes to your life!

Take care of you, see you in the clinic,

TK xx


Tanya Keam Wellness is an experienced health clinic on the Sunshine Coast. Helping you to feel better in all aspects of your health and wellbeing.
Nutrition Through the Stillness Season – WINTER

Nutrition Through the Stillness Season – WINTER

Chinese medicine gives us numerous mental, physical and nutritional tools to help us maintain balance all year round. There is much focus around the seasons of the year, where each of our organs are associated with each season. Winter is of the Kidneys and Bladder which rule water metabolism and maintaining homeostasis, a dynamic continual rebalancing. Winter is also the most ‘yin’ time of the year – yin is dark, cold, slow, with inward energy, compared to Summer which is light, hot, quick, with expansive qualities.

Some people feel quite energised by Winter, going snowboarding and being out in the chilly weather bush walking. While others retract, stay inside and can feel low in mood from the lack of light and physical activity.


Imbalances that can occur during the winter months include:

  • Lower back pain – chronic or acute
  • Knee pain and weakness
  • Urinary retention or frequent urination
  • Fatigue and shortness of breath
  • Vertigo or dizziness
  • Sexual problems – vaginal dryness, premature ejaculation, low libido
  • Anxiety, low mood and excessive fear
  • High blood pressure and/or headaches
  • Inflexibility and resistance to change 


Foods that are beneficial during the Winter months include:

Root vegetables, winter greens, mushroom, apple, pear, potato, squash, citrus fruits, kidney bean, black sesame seed, dark leafy greens, chicken, lamb, tempeh, whole grains, miso, unrefined sea salt, bone broths (organic).

Chinese medicine dietetic philosophy suggests that we embrace native foods, locally grown, and organic and/or chemical free where possible. Take time to sit down and enjoy your meal.


Tips to stay well this Winter:

  • Take time to listen to your body and recharge
  • Eat warming foods such as lamb and root vegetable stew, tempeh with leafy greens, miso soup or a kidney bean dish
  • Keep hydrated with neutral temperature water and warming teas
  • Keep warm – especially the upper back, neck and lower back
  • Practice self acceptance – acknowledge emotions (such as fear), reflect, judge yourself less so that you can move forward (Spring is followed by Winter – the season that bursts with life)
  • Don’t be afraid of your darker side – write things down in a journal without analysing 
  • Receive acupuncture to support the Kidneys and Bladder and maintain wellness

Exercise wise, we all do less during the cooler months as it is a time to rest and revitalise our kidneys, which is why some animals hibernate. Nature is at rest, and in this rest replenishes itself.

By eating well, regular exercise, paying attention to our bodies and harmonising ourselves to the seasons, we can stay healthier and prevent illness. Once we feel good and are maintaining a level of wellness that we all strive for, it allows us to enjoy the cooler months, whether its indoors or hitting the waves (with a wetsuit!). Thus, Winter is the perfect time to look inward, reflect on ourselves, practice writing or other practices such as yoga, pilates or tai chi.


Take care of you, see you in the clinic,

TK xx


Tanya Keam Wellness is an experienced health clinic on the Sunshine Coast. Helping you to feel better in all aspects of your health and wellbeing.

Temperature charting for women

Temperature charting for women

What does BBT mean?

BBT stands for basal body temperature. It is your lowest body temperature in a 24-hour period.

Why do you map your BBT?

I asked clients to map their BBT if their treatment involves regulating their menstrual cycle, managing hormonal imbalance and for fertility. It is such a useful tool to understand many aspects of them as an individual woman and allows me to pin point specific imbalances. Most unexplained infertility cases are actually not infertile at all, but are actually subfertile. Through looking at charts as well as lab results and symptoms, the cause can often be found. Charting can be an excellent tool for diagnostics, especially in cases of unexplained infertility and is also a great way for woman to be self aware and gain understanding for what is going on in their bodies.

How to record your BBT 

Take your temperature (with a thermometer orally or vaginally) upon waking and record it on a simple chart. This means before you get up and do your morning rituals. Your temperature can slightly increase once you are up and about getting breakfast ready, chasing kids around, exercise etc. Try to take your temperature at the same time each day or your reading may not be accurate. If the time varies, please make a note of this, as well as any illness or life changes (cold/flu, stomach bug, migraine, unsettled sleep, a sudden increase in stress etc). I always suggest to keep your thermometer by your bedside table so its always handy.


Your menstrual cycle

A women’s menstrual cycle is approximately 28-32 days. Day 1 of your period is day 1 of your cycle.

The first phase (follicular phase) is the phase in which the follicles develop. Typically we see that this level is low and steady, where Estrogen is the dominant hormone during this phase.

Around mid cycle (day 14), you may or may not see a slight dip in temperature, followed by a strong rise in temperature of approximately 0.3- 1 degree. The day before the temperature rises is the day you ovulate.

Ovulation is when you are most fertile.

The second phase (luteal phase) is the phase in which the egg travels down the fallopian tube and the process of fertilisation or implantation may occur. Typically we like to see that this phase is high and steady. Progesterone is the hormone which keeps the luteal phase at a high temperature.

What do your readings mean?

When the follicular phase is too long, too short, too high or too low in temperature, or your cycle is irregular (such as 23 days long, then 40 days long, then 50 days long, then 22 days long) this can mean there are hormonal imbalances.

What causes hormonal imbalances?

Thyroid conditions – The thyroid gland is located at the front of you neck. Thyroid hormones travel from the thyroid gland through the blood to all parts of the body, where they do their work in affecting your metabolism rate, which means how fast or slow your brain, heart, muscles, liver, and other parts of your body work. The thyroid can be tested through pathology tests to check the levels of specific hormones.

Through BBT charting, we tend to see an abnormally low or high temperature reading in the follicular phase when the thyroid is under or overactive. 

Emotional stress and inconsistent sleep patterns – Often shows up as an up and down movement of temperature from day to day.

In the case of stress, we tend to see instability of temperature, and in the case of primary hormonal imbalance we tend to see either an increase or decrease in length of this phase.

Poor ovarian reserve (also known as impaired ovarian reserve, premature ovarian aging or declining ovarian reserve) and poor egg quality – Can be due to a number of reasons.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) – is a complex condition in which a woman’s ovaries are generally bigger than average. Polycystic means the ovaries have many cysts or follicles that rarely grow to maturity or produce eggs. Symptoms can include excessive hair growth, moodiness, weight gain, irregular cycles, no periods or a long follicular phase, acne and painful periods.

Diagnosis of PCOS is likely to involve your medical history, an examination which may include an abdominal ultrasound, and tests to measure the hormone levels in your blood. 

Through BBT charting we can see if your follicular phase is longer than usual, which for PCOS can indicate insulin resistance or excess androgens (male hormones).

Insufficient nutritional elements – Poor diet and lack of nutrients can be another cause of hormonal imbalance. Diabetes can also be a culprit.

Progesterone deficiency – Mid cycle, we see a spike in temperature, which is related to secretion of the hormone progesterone and is the result of ovulation. The temperature will rise the day after ovulation occurs. If you don’t see this spike, you may not have ovulated. f there is a downward decline occurring earlier than 12 days after ovulating, this suggests that there may not be sufficient progesterone production to maintain pregnancy. Implantation may occur 7 – 12 days after ovulation, in which case you may see an implantation dip on your chart. This is a normal and healthy finding, but like implantation bleeding it is also not necessary for a healthy pregnancy.

Through BBT charting we can see if the temperature reading in the second phase of the cycle (luteal phase) does not remain steady, your progesterone secretion may not be enough to maintain implantation and pregnancy. If the length of this phase is either too long or too short, this can indicate problems with the health of corpus luteum, or nutritional deficiencies (the corpus luteum is the outer part of the follicle left after you have ovulated, which continues to secrete the hormone progesterone allowing you to maintain pregnancy).

Perimenopause and menopause – A woman’s ovaries gradually decrease production of estrogen and progesterone with age.

There are many other more complex breakdowns of the variations in basal body temperature charting as well.

What is helpful to balance hormones?

In Chinese medicine  we use diagnostics, acupuncture, herbal medicine, heat therapy, nutrition and lifestyle care to treat hormonal imbalances and other gynaecological factors. Depending on which scenario (above) you are, will determine your treatment.

Treatment plans for preparing to conceive specifically, are designed to optimise ovarian function, sperm and egg vitality, regulate the immune system, reduce stress, promote restful sleep, promote digestion, and weight loss if necessary. Treating gynaecological conditions have also proven success in regulating menstrual cycles and improving fertility.

Chinese medicine can work safely in accordance with IVF to improve the outcome. Acupuncture protocols will help to improve blood flow and drug delivery to the ovaries and uterus during the stimulation phase, improve rates of implantation of embryos and reduce stress and side effects.

IVF is the process of fertilising eggs with sperm outside of the human body. Once the eggs are fertilised, the resulting embryos are placed in the woman’s uterus in the hope that a successful pregnancy will follow.

Information derived from Lyttleton, Jane (2013) Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine, Second edition.

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What do the treatments involve?

Depending on why your hormones are imbalanced or other gynaecological factors, will determine the treatment plan and outcome. As a practitioner I advise regular treatments such as weekly, in accordance with health changes you need to do at home, such as nutritional changes or herbal remedies to assist the treatment outcome. The male partners are also advised to receive treatment.

I advise all women seeking treatment to start BBT mapping their cycles and fill in a symptom chart which includes daily symptoms relating to; energy levels, PMS, menstrual cramping, vaginal discharge and mood changes, to name a few. The symptom chart allows me to see what is happening in between your acupuncture treatments so that I can treat you accordingly.

Changes to your plan will be made for IVF protocols and specific gynaecological conditions. Acupuncture can be used to manage anxiety and any side effects you might experience such as fatigue, moodiness, abdomen swelling and discomfort that can be experienced with the IVF process.

Please see the FAQ’s page and What to Expect page for more information.

Other factors to consider regarding your fertility and gynaecological health

Environmental toxins – clean up your environment at work and at home – exposure from various sources such as BPA in plastics, pesticides in food.

Do you exercise? Adopting the right amount of exercise is important, however exercising too strenuously releases the stress hormone Cortisol which can interfere with reproductive organs. Opt for gentle exercises such as swimming, yoga, tai chi and pilates.

Sanitary products with bleach and other chemicals that are being inserted into the body – organic tampons and pads are now easily found in major supermarkets and health food stores and their quality and absorpancy is nothing less. Menstrual cups found here > are also becoming more popular as they are sanitary, medical grade silicone, environmentally friendly and save you money (they cost $40-60AU and will last you 10 years!). All you have to do is wash them out and boil them in hot water at the end of your period to kill any bacteria. Many women experience less period pain when using a cup !

Look after your abdominal area – A poor diet can cause your digestive system to malfunction. Unhealthy foods collect in the abdominal environment, blocking the blood circulation needed to nourish the area. Pay attention to foods that cause bloating, fatigue, wind, abdominal cramps, irregular bowel motions or sensitivity. Acupuncture and herbs can stimulate circulation and improve the function of the digestive system.

Start with a healthy body weight – Women who are either underweight or overweight can ovulate less regularly, and men in the same situation will produce fewer and less healthy sperm.

Are you stressed – Physically, mentally or emotionally? Stress is a huge factor for fertility, especially if you and your partner have been trying for a baby for a long time. However other stressors in life such as work or relationships also play a part. Find time to resolve stress and put relaxation time in your diary! Talking to a friend or professional may also be helpful to get things of your chest.

Be aware of your immune system – If you are getting every cold/flu going around, having upset digestion from a gut bug or generally feeling unwell then you are not in optimal health to conceive.

For women – stay warm. In Chinese medicine, we place a strong emphasis on keeping warm to encourage blood flow. Keeping your ‘midriff’ and lower back warm is said to encourage a ‘warm womb’. Swimming on your period is also not recommended, as your cervix is open when menstruating, the cold temperature of the water enters a warm body, causing the ‘cold’ to lodge inside. Remember its all about the warmth and circulation! However for men its important that their testicles are kept cool as heat can affect sperm quality.

Are you sleeping well throughout the night? Even just one week without well-rested sleep plays havoc with your hormones. Opt for the same bed time every night such as no later than 10pm. Avoiding stimulants such as caffeine after 3pm is important so that you aren’t kept awake.

Have you been on the pill for a long time where your hormones have been told what to do for years? Your body will need time to adjust to its own cycle. Acupuncture can regulate the menstrual cycle and manage symptoms such as fatigue, menstrual headaches, tender breasts and mood swings.

Do you have any nutritional deficiencies? For example, your uterus needs a certain amount of iron for the lining of the uterus to thicken for conception, if your iron levels are low then conception decreases.

Do you have a family history of any gynaecological conditions? Ask the women in your family about their fertile health.

Be aware of infection – Previous STD’s and noting any thrush or constant urinary tract infections could make conception more difficult.

Having a GP check up – blood tests, ultrasounds and infection tests are all helpful to rule out anything first.

Lastly, do you have time to welcome a baby into your life? Are you working so many hours already, trying to make ends meet financially or too many other commitments for a baby to come into your life?

Take the time to cover all bases listed above so your health is the priority 🙂

Take care of you, see you in the clinic,

TK xx

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Autumn – Living seasonally with Chinese medicine

Autumn – Living seasonally with Chinese medicine



Autumn is the season that follows the long and hot days of summer, where the days become shorter, the nights a little cooler, presenting us with earthy coloured falling leaves to prepare for the coming winter. With the change in temperature, especially the summer humidity that we experience in Queensland Australia, the air signals us to start putting away the summer frocks and get out warmer jackets and scarfs. We also begin to harvest and gather brightly coloured foods of the new season, such as pumpkin and squash.

Chinese medicine is very much focussed around the seasons of the year. We go from the relaxed and carefree attitudes of Summer to the more serious and introspective energies of Autumn. In Autumn we move from the external, expansive nature of Summer to the internal, contracting nature of Autumn. It is a good idea to finish up projects you’ve started in spring and summer and frolic in the rewards, a bit like the planting of seedlings in the veggie patch that have been harvested.

In Chinese medicine, Autumn is associated with the lungs and colon. The energy of the lungs are colon are about “letting go”, in all aspects of our life so that we can make room for new experiences that will help us to learn and grow.



Imbalances that can occur during Autumn can include :

Dry skin, lips and throat

Stiff upper back and neck

Allergies, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis

Weak immunity

Sneezing and running rose

Lack of vitality


Dry or phlegmy cough



Skin conditions flare up, such as eczema

Sitting with sadness/grief for longer

Tips for staying well during Autumn :

Practice breathing exercises

Let go of negativity in your life

Walk outside

Reorganise, clean and declutter

Recognise sadness/grief

Brush your skin with a dry soft brush

Acupuncture and cupping are helpful to prevent illness (colds and flu that are common in autumn) and to assist your body to recover quickly

Wear a scarf and jacket to protect your neck and back from the wind

Nutrition is a large part of Chinese medicine – to eat seasonally. 

Foods that are beneficial in Autumn:


Garlic, Sweet potato, Ginger, Onion, Cabbage, Rice, Cinnamon, Cardamon, Leek, Miso, Navy beans, Almonds, Asparagus, Walnuts, Pear, Olives, Cauliflower, Yoghurt, Apples, Celery, Broccoli, Apricot, Sourdough, Sauerkraut, Cloves, Squash, Pumpkin


The best way to stay well according to Chinese medicine, is to learn about the nature of each season and to live in harmony with its spirit. If we are living in harmony with the world around us, the Autumn around us, we see that nature is a powerful system of slowing down and contracting, preparing to rest, so its good for us to mimic this. Sleeping a little longer, eating less cold foods and instead more warming and nourishing foods, like stews and soups, and paying extra attention to our internal lives. The time of the lungs and colon is about self worth, to give ourselves some extra attention and self love.




Perhaps that yoga class you’ve been meaning to get to for months can now fit into your schedule.

To breathe

To nurture

To let go.

Take care of you, see you in the clinic,

TK xx

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Blood building nutrition

Blood building nutrition

Blood deficiency

Is a diagnostic term we use in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for someone who is showing signs and symptoms of inadequate nourishment of the blood within the body. It is not uncommon for women to present with this type of deficiency as women lose blood in every menstrual cycle, however men can also present with it.

Many of the symptoms (below) are similar to iron deficiency anaemia, however the concept of blood in TCM refers more to the quality of the blood in its entirety to nourish the body as a whole. Whereas, anaemia in a Western term relates to deficiencies of folic acid, B12, protein building blocks and other nutrients. It may be beneficial to share with your TCM practitioner if you are aware that you are iron deficient so that dietary changes can be made.

Symptoms include :

Low energy

Blurry vision

Light headedness

Poor memory

Dry eyes, skin and hair

Pale complexion, lips, tongue colour, nails and inside the eyelid

Difficulty falling asleep

Hair loss or premature greying

Women – light or absent periods, migraines/headaches at specific times in the cycle

Tremors, numbness, tics

Weak nails

Anxiety or other mood fluctuations


To correct the deficiency

We first look at where the deficiency is coming from:

1. A diet which is lacking in the appropriate nutrients

2. Poor digestive function (the ability to absorb nutrients)

3. Excessive bleeding (often menstrual but also due to trauma or following surgery)




Nutritional support

Grains Barley, corn, oats, rice, sweet rice, wheat, bran
Vegetables Alfalfa sprout, artichoke, beetroot, button mushroom, cabbage, celery, dandelion leaf, dark leafy greens, kelp, shiitake mushroom, spinach, watercress, wheatgrass
Fruit Apple, apricot, avocado, date, fig, grape, longan, mulberry
Beans/legumes Aduki, black soya, kidney, chickpea, red lentils
Nuts, seeds Almonds, black sesame
Fish Mussel, octopus, oyster, sardine, tuna
Meat All red meat especially bone marrow and liver (beef, pork, sheep). Bone broths are particular helpful
Dairy Chicken egg,
Herbs, spices Nettle, parsley
Oils, condiments Amasake, molasses
Beverages Soya milk
Common supplements Algae, pollen


Foods especially useful 

Vegetables artichoke, beetroot, dandelion leaf, kelp
Fruit avocado, date, mulberry, grape
Nuts /seeds black sesame
Fish oyster
Meats beef, liver (both pork and sheep)
Herbs/ spices nettle
Oils/ condiments molasse


You may be consuming the correct foods, however if your digestive function is depleted than the nutrients are being passed through your stools instead of being transported to the cells around your body. This is where acupuncture comes in!

Acupuncture alone cannot nourish the blood, but it can greatly improve on the digestive function, like giving your body a 10-20% boost in what your digestive function should be doing, thus increasing the absorption of nutrients from food.

Cooking methods

There is also great importance on the way that foods are cooked. To support your digestive system, lightly cooking (steaming, blanching, soups, stews) and consuming warm foods is ideal. Add in some spices to aid digestion such as ginger, cumin, fennel and cardamom.

Herbs and supplements

To support your system further (on top of acupuncture treatments and dietary changes) and to nourish the blood more efficiently, a herbal formula may be developed for your individual situation. Supplements may include iron, vitamin B12, folic acid and to enhance iron absorption vitamin C (lemon juice) may be also taken with foods such as leafy greens.

Take care of you, see you in the clinic,

TK xx

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